Unlocking the Power of Digital Marketing for Local Businesses: The Impact of Maybe* AI-Powered Business Support Programs 🤝


Digital marketing is no longer an optional tool for businesses; it has become an essential strategy for growth and sustainability. Maybe*, a UK-based tech company specialising in AI-powered digital solutions, has been instrumental in helping local businesses across various regions enhance their digital capabilities. 

Through the UK Government's Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and collaborations with local authorities, Maybe* has successfully implemented comprehensive digital support programs. These initiatives have significantly impacted local businesses by providing essential training, tools, and financial support to leverage digital marketing for sustainable growth. Let's delve into the specific outcomes and achievements of the business support programs that Maybe* has delivered in Buckinghamshire, Hammersmith and Fulham, and North Kesteven.


Buckinghamshire: Empowering Businesses through Digital Innovation

Project Overview

The UKSPF Digital Communications project, managed by Maybe* in collaboration with Buckinghamshire Council, aimed to provide non-financial business support to 200 businesses and financial support to 25 businesses through £500 social media advertising grants. The project's impact has been profound, with notable achievements in May 2024:

  • Non-Financial Support: 420 businesses have received non-financial support, significantly surpassing the initial target of 200.

  • Financial Grants: 37 businesses have received financial support, exceeding the target of 25.

Key Activities and Achievements

The project's activities in May included ongoing social media marketing, paid social media advertising campaigns, email marketing, engagement with local business Facebook groups, and grant qualification and delivery. These efforts have resulted in:

  • Positive feedback from participants, especially regarding the Personalised AI training.

  • Effective coordination with Retail Revival to avoid double grants, ensuring smooth grant delivery.

  • An impressive overall delivery against targets, with 139% of the non-financial support target for 2023/24 achieved and 71.5% for 2024/25 already met.

Future Plans

The project plans to continue its paid social media advertising, email marketing, and engagement with local business groups. The goal is to identify and support more businesses eligible for social media advertising grants, ensuring sustained growth and digital proficiency.


Hammersmith and Fulham: Pioneering Digital Excellence

Project Overview

The specialist digital support project for local businesses in Hammersmith and Fulham, also funded by the UKSPF, aimed to support 100 businesses and provide 40 businesses with £250 grants for social media advertising. The project exceeded expectations by assisting 127 businesses and awarding all 40 grants.

Key Outcomes and Strategic Fit

  • Non-Financial Support: 127 businesses received training and access to Maybe*'s comprehensive digital platform.

  • Financial Grants: 40 businesses benefited from the grants, enhancing their digital marketing capabilities.

  • Jobs Created and Safeguarded: 13 jobs were created, and more than 55 were safeguarded, showcasing the project's economic impact.

The project aligns with several local and national strategies, such as the H&F Industrial Strategy, Levelling Up White Paper, and Build Back Better High Streets Strategy, which emphasize the importance of digital skills for economic growth.

Participant Feedback

Businesses have expressed high satisfaction with the training and tools provided by Maybe*. Testimonials highlight the transformative impact of the AI-powered platform, which offers personalised content creation, social media scheduling, and 24/7 support.


North Kesteven: Bridging the Digital Divide

Project Overview

In North Kesteven, the UKSPF-funded project aimed to provide digital support to 200 businesses. The project overachieved by supporting 216 businesses, reflecting the high demand for digital training and tools.

Key Activities and Impact

The project activities included outreach to 1,200 businesses, training delivery, and continuous participant engagement. 

Key impacts included:

  • Increased Digital Awareness: Participants better understood digital tools and social media's importance for business growth.

  • Adoption of New Technologies: Businesses adopted new digital marketing technologies, enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Improved Business Results: Businesses reported increased confidence in digital marketing, translating to better business results and customer engagement.

Strategic Alignment and Lessons Learned

The project aligns with national strategies like the Levelling Up White Paper and the UK Digital Strategy, emphasising the need for digital skills. Lessons learned highlight the platform's effectiveness and the importance of continuous support and training for businesses.


Continuation of Success: From UKCRF to UKSPF

These projects continue the successful Community Renewal Fund (UKCRF) projects. The expertise and impact have now extended to the UKSPF, bringing the total number of businesses supported through local authority-funded projects to over 25,000. This milestone underscores Maybe*'s role as a pivotal partner in driving digital transformation for local businesses across the UK.



The Maybe* business support programs have demonstrated significant value and impact across different regions. Maybe* has empowered local businesses to thrive in the digital age by providing comprehensive digital training, AI-powered tools, and financial grants. The success stories from Buckinghamshire, Hammersmith and Fulham, and North Kesteven underscore the importance of digital proficiency for sustainable business growth and community resilience.

Local authorities and growth hubs across the UK can look to these successful initiatives as a model for future digital support programs. The results thus far highlight the potential for broader implementation and scaling of such projects to foster economic growth and digital innovation nationwide.

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