The 10 Fastest-Growing AI Workplace Skills in 2024 and Why They Will Be Crucial for 2025 📅

By Polly Barnfield OBE, CEO of Maybe*

As we race through 2024, the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, driving an increasing need for specialised skills that will be pivotal for success in the coming years.

Understanding these skills is essential for staying competitive and positioning organisations and employees for future advancements.

Let's explore the ten fastest-growing AI workplace skills for 2024 and explore why they will be indispensable in  2025 and beyond.


1. Generative AI & ChatGPT

Generative AI, like ChatGPT, transforms how content is created and interactions are managed. This skill is crucial for developing applications that generate human-like text, enhance customer service, and personalise marketing content. Employees need to master this technology to create scalable and personalised customer interactions.


2. Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

A foundational understanding of AI principles allows employees to understand and participate in AI projects. This knowledge is critical for fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency within organisations. By 2025, as AI becomes more integrated into business processes, a broad understanding of AI will be essential for many roles.


3. Machine Learning

Machine learning enables systems to learn from data and improve over time without explicit programming. This skill is crucial for developing predictive models, automating decision-making processes, and enhancing operational efficiency. Increasingly, machine learning mastery will be essential for roles in data analysis, software development, and business intelligence by 2025.


4. Data Engineering

Data engineering involves the construction of systems for collecting, storing, and analysing vast amounts of data. Proficiency in this area ensures that data is processed efficiently, enabling effective AI deployment and analytics capabilities. As organisations accumulate more data, data engineering skills will be vital for maintaining high-quality data pipelines and ensuring robust AI functionality.


5. Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering focuses on designing effective prompts to guide AI systems in generating the desired outputs. This skill is increasingly vital as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent across various business functions. Employees skilled in prompt engineering can optimise AI outputs for marketing, customer service, and internal communications. At Maybe*, we have developed ways to automate this as much as possible, creating an AI agent specifically trained to create market-leading prompts.  


6. Deep Learning

Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, deals with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called neural networks. This complex skill is essential for tackling sophisticated AI challenges and developing advanced AI applications. By 2025, deep learning will be crucial for healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems innovations. Our data scientists at Maybe* relish these challenges so our clients can benefit from the results. 


7. OpenAI API

Proficiency with the OpenAI API allows developers to integrate powerful AI functionalities into their applications, driving innovation in product development and improving customer interactions. OpenAI's tools are increasingly becoming the backbone of many AI applications, making this skill highly valuable for developers. The Maybe* team has been working with OpenAI tools for the past 18 months, and we are constantly developing and refining the Maybe* platform so that we can enable any business to deploy bespoke AI tools that do not require technical expertise.


8. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP enables computers to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. This skill is critical for developing applications like chatbots, sentiment analysis tools, and language translation services that enhance user experiences and streamline customer support. As communication relies more on automated systems, NLP will become even more crucial by 2025. Again, this is integral to developing the Maybe* platform so that our clients can access marketing-leading AI solutions without adding additional and often hard-to-find expensive new skills to their teams.


9. Generative AI Art

Generative AI art involves using algorithms to create artwork. This skill is instrumental in marketing and branding, where unique and engaging visual content can set a brand apart. As visual content continues to dominate marketing strategies, expertise in generative AI art will be highly sought after. Within the Maybe* platform, our clients can access integrated image generation for social media content and automated image prompt generation to ensure the images align closely with each post.


10. Model Deployment & MLOps

Model deployment and ML operations (MLOps) ensure that machine learning models are reliably maintained in production. These skills are crucial for operationalising AI and ensuring the ongoing success of AI initiatives. With the increasing reliance on AI for business operations, MLOps will be essential for maintaining model accuracy and performance through 2025. For non-technical teams, this is an overhead that is solved by the Maybe* platform, as the model deployment is managed by our team, who ensures that the performance of our AI models is accurate.


Why These Skills Will Be Crucial for 2025

Accelerated Automation

By 2025, AI technologies could automate as much as 30% of current work hours. This shift will necessitate a workforce proficient in AI to manage and optimise automated systems, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency.

Strategic Innovation

AI skills are not just technical but strategic. Employees with expertise in AI can drive innovation by developing new products and services that leverage AI capabilities. This will be critical for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge in increasingly AI-driven markets.

Enhanced Customer Experiences

As AI makes customer service more personalised and efficient, generative AI, NLP, and machine learning skills will be essential for creating seamless customer experiences. This will improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is crucial for business growth.

Data-Driven Decision Making

AI enables more informed decision-making by providing deep insights from large data sets. Skills in data engineering, AI fundamentals, and machine learning will ensure that businesses can harness these insights effectively, leading to better strategic decisions.

Addressing Skill Gaps

Given the rapid growth in AI technologies, skilled professionals will be in significant demand. By building expertise in these critical areas, employees will ensure their roles remain relevant and valuable, while businesses can avoid the pitfalls of skill shortages. This can be mitigated by selecting service providers like Maybe* that can provide on-demand services and training as required.


How Maybe* Can Help You Bridge the AI Skills Gap

At Maybe*, we understand the transformative power of AI and are dedicated to helping organisations harness its full potential. Here’s how we can assist:

Tailored AI Solutions

Our customised AI solutions are designed to meet your specific business needs, ensuring that you can deploy AI effectively across your operations. Whether you need to automate tasks, enhance customer engagement, or improve decision-making, Maybe* offers the tools and expertise to drive success.

Comprehensive Training Programs

We offer training programs that equip your team with the necessary skills to leverage AI effectively. From foundational AI knowledge to advanced machine learning techniques, our training resources ensure your workforce stays ahead of the curve.

Seamless Integration

Our AI systems integrate seamlessly with your existing technology platforms, reducing the friction associated with AI adoption. This lets your team start using AI tools immediately, improving productivity and efficiency from day one.

Continuous Support and Coaching

Maybe* provides continuous support to ensure the success of your AI initiatives. Our experts are available 24/7 to assist with any challenges your team might encounter, ensuring a smooth and effective deployment of AI technologies.

Focus on Ethical and Secure AI

We prioritise ethical AI practices and robust data security measures, ensuring that your AI deployments are responsible and secure. This focus on ethical AI helps build trust with your customers and stakeholders, positioning your organisation as a leader in innovative and responsible technology use.


Looking to the Future

As AI continues to reshape the workplace, having a workforce skilled in these fast-growing areas will be crucial for any organisation's success in 2024 and beyond. Maybe* is here to support your journey, providing tailored AI solutions, comprehensive training, seamless integration, and continuous support to help you effectively bridge the AI skills gap.

Let Maybe* guide you in transforming your business with AI, ensuring you remain at the forefront of innovation and efficiency.


Select how you want to get started for more insights on how Maybe* can help your organisation stay competitive with AI.

Partner with Maybe* for AI solutions that truly understand your business needs and empower your employees to lead your business into the future with AI.


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